
a movement medicine journey through the seasons 

movement medicine one/two day workshops throughout the year:
autumn | winter
| spring | summer

A series of 4 one day workshops throughout the year to give time to exploring the physical nature of each season - how is it in our bodies? Which will no doubt lead to how it is in our hearts and minds! Investigating the polarities that often exist, the paradoxes of being human, the yin and yang, the in and the out, action and stasis, the individual and the community. The desire to rest deeply in winter, at the same time as the call to create, the desire to grow and expand in spring that can sit alongside a strong call to still be sleeping deep in the earth. Giving room for each of our individual experiences of life at this point as well as acknowledging the collective nature of our experience - the common humanity.

Some of the practices of Movement Medicine we will more than likely work with are:
• awakening our physical dancing bodies by giving focus and encouragement to all parts
• exploring the elements, earth, air , fire and water that all life on earth consists of, and how they move in us and around us
• playing with unity and freedom, what is it to be an individual in community

There are currenlty no dates set for this workshop, please get in touch if you would like to organise an Integration workshop in your area.

“I became filled with an awareness that what I am looking for connection with is inside me, as well as outside. The rushing seas, the towering mountains, the parched soil, the melting glaciers, the desert winds, the dying species that are our brothers and sisters, all the unpredictability that is life, is a part of me ... the implication now is that I have no choice but to let life live through me in the fullest way that I can - by saying YES - I am life longing to be boundless.”  Isabel Carlisle, Devon