Movement as Medicine Ongoing Group All Genders

Friday Mornings Fortnightly, 10am - 12.30pm

Dartington Hall Studios
Studio 6, Lower Close Studios, Dartington Hall, Totnes, TQ9 6EN map for studio and parking

Summer Term 2024 (8 sessions):
5 & 19 April, 3,17 & 31 May, 14 & 28 June, 12 July 2024
Cost £136

Autumn term 2024 (8 sessions):
6 & 20 September, 4 & 18 October, 1, 15 & 29 November, 13 December 2024
Cost £136

Spring Term 2025 (6 sessions):
17 & 31 January, 14 & 28 February, 14 & 28 March 2025
Cost £105

Summer Term 2025 (7 sessions):
25 April, 9 & 23 May, 6 & 20 June, 4 & 18 July 2025
Cost £123

Autumn term 2025 (8 sessions):
12 & 26 September, 10 & 24 October, 7 & 21 November, 5 & 19 December 2025
Cost £140

The first session of each term is open for newcomers to try, if there are still places avaialble in the group, please check availability, after this the group is closed for the term. The cost is £17, if you join the group this would be deducted from the full cost.

Group size and booking
Numbers are limited to 24 for this closed group, it does tend to get full early so it is worth booking in advance if you know you wish to join us.

Payment plans are available for those on a more restricted income. For booking contact Rosie: 07813 018567 |

This group is for anyone who wishes to explore their love of dancing in more depth with the support of a dedicated group. The intention of this group is to provide a safe container for explorations into the movement as medicine, giving us a chance to discover more of our individual dances in conversation with the dance we share between us. In a closed group we are able to build the trust that enables more freedom of expression and adventuring together. Over the term we can take a journey with each other and really call on the support of the practices of Movement Medicine that invite us into more of who we truly are. Some of the places we might visit on this journey are:

• The simple practice of listening to, engaging with and truly inhabiting our physical bodies. This is the bedrock of our practice. 
• The movement of and between our micro awareness, internal landscape, and macro awareness, all that is outside of us.
• The elements, earth, air, fire and water that we can call on as a resource and a place to remember that which we are made of.
• Yin and Yang - dancing with the archetypal feminine of listening, receiving and accepting what is; and the masculine of enagaging, encouraging and taking action; finding the creative dance between them.
• Unity and freedom - finding the place where we can move freely between being in our own dance and being in sync and connection with others.

Rosie has worked in depth with these ongoing movement groups since 2012. This ongoing group continues with a good core of people all the way through and then some shifts and changes each term, keeping it alive. The group is very community minded and warm and welcoming to newcomers, a real place of resource.

• The room will be ventilated and numbers are kept lower for care

“Of all the dance spaces I have experienced, I find Rosie's closed group the most nurturing, offering a deep journey and strong sense of sacred space. The class is founded around a core group, who have been dancing together for some years. This, combined with the closed nature of the class and Rosie's loving, intuitive holding, allow for a remarkable sense of trust, safety and permission. Rosie creates a gentle supportive containing field for her dancers, with her presence, her lovely music, and also her drum and voice. She is extremely sensitive to the many moods of both dancers and space, and I have a deep sense of 'all welcome, all received', just as we each are, right now - however flowing or jagged that may be. There is a palpable sense of kindness and connection in the room, co-created between Rosie and her dancers. All of this invites and supports deep diving. Rosie's Sunday dances have become one of the core strands of my own practice, for which I am profoundly grateful.”  Lindsey

Booking conditions.