
Self | Other | Community | Lineage | Source

Tending the Threads of relationship - Movement Medicine supported by Somatic Yoga

BELONGING is an invitation to return to the places of connection that become more accessible when we welcome the intelligence of our awake moving bodies.

Many of us both ache to feel we belong and fear it.
What does belonging mean to each of us?
Can we belong and stay the shape we are?
Where do we feel excluded or find it hard to include ourselves?

Our Movement Medicine practice will be based in the elemental and relational maps so we can safely dance with the questions that arise in and between us here. Giving permission, expression, care and love where it is needed. Noticing and encouraging balance and inclusion in a time we are invited to move towards extremity and polarisation.

So we may remember how we do belong; to ourselves, each other, community and our environment, our place in the lineage of life and the gossamer threads weaving us.

We will be dancing with awareness in these 5 Dimensions of Relationship that underly all Movement Medicine practice:
Self - our relationship with ourselves
Other - our one to one relationships (friends, family, colleagues, animal companions)
Community - our connection to local, national, international communities and the community of life on earth
Ancestors/Descendants/Spirits - our relationship with our ancestors, descendents and the spirit world (whatever that means to you personally)
Source - also called the great mystery, the divine or love, where we dissolve in connection to all and land in something broader than the sum or our parts

Our dance will be supported by begining each morning and afternoon with yoga practice led by Sarah Harlow. Sarah is a qualified Movement Medicine teacher as well as a vastly experienced Yoga teacher and trainer, amongst many other things - read more about her on the Yogasara website. She has worked a lot with the dance between Movement Medicine and Yoga, both incredible disciplines in their own right and deeply complimentary. Yogasana offers us very specific opportunities to fully inhabit the body-mind-spirit. Precise ways to breathe life into and awaken the dancer, perhaps taking us out of our comfort zone and into places we may avoid in the dance! The invitation from both is to embody, empower and remember who we are.

We will also lean into other modalities to build a dancing village that welcomes and celebrates our diversity as well as our unity; in which we can learn about ourselves, each other and strengthen our connection to all that gives and supports life. 

BRISTOL, UK: 27 - 29 June 2025
Glenfrome Primary School, Cottisford Road, BS5 6TY see on Google maps
Friday 27 June, 7 - 9 pm, Saturday 28 June 10am - 6pm, Sunday 29 June 10am - 4.30pm
Cost £225, there are some lower cost places available for those on a lower income - please be in touch if you feel need this.
For information contact Sarah at Yogasara: +44 (0)7789 501884,

No previous experience necessary to join this workshop just your willingness and curiosity. Places are limited to 30. Your place will be reserved once we have received your payment.