Somatic Practice with Rosie Perks

Rosie offers a place in which to land and explore that is safe, non-judgemental and expertly held, her guidance is both sensitive and clear. In group dancing spaces she gently encourages the emerging voice as extra support for the body in motion. Her work is with both groups and individuals, in the room and online.

Rosie has always loved to dance and first danced with Susannah and Ya’Acov Darling Khan in 1989, they launched the School of Movement Medicine in 2006 and she began her voyage into Movement Medicine with them. Rosie has many years experience teaching movement internationally. She is a senior Movement Medicine Teacher and professional mentor.

As one of the first cohort of trained Movement Medicine teachers she developed her work on the pioneering edge of the practice. Her teaching is underpinned by over three decades of personal practice and interwoven with an understanding of our shared humanity. These sit alongside trainings in the systemic modalities of Processwork and Internal Family Systems. 

Rosie lives in Devon, UK with her husband of 25 years, dog and 2 cats. She is also mother to their now grown up daughter. She grew up here, in the South Hams of Devon and finds the land, rivers and seas here to be one of her strongest resources as a Movement Medicine teacher. 

Continued Professional Development:
• Advanced trainings at School of Movement Medicine:
  1) Working with the Heart and the SEER Process (systemic essential energy retrieval).
  2) Working with Ritual
  3) Working with Phoenix Processes
  4) Working with Initiation & The Cylces of Life

• Level 1 Internal Family Systems certificate

• Year Long Processwork Facilitation for Leaders training with Arlene & Jean-Claude Audergon at CFOR

• ITC Level 4 Coaching and mentoring training

• Day trainings with Carolyn Spring on Dissociation and Shame

• Rosie continues to research, read and learn online about Trauma Informed modalities and understandings, including
   PolyVagal theory and other ongoing developments in Neuroscience.

“A constant wish in my teaching is to co-create an environment in which we are able to allow ourselves to simply exist in each moment.  When this happens and we are not trying to be anything other than the moving energy we are, there is a magic of interconnection that makes the breath between us alive and open. What I see happening in this space is people wake up to their right to exist and to the possibility of really being with others in the simple truth of our humanity.

Why is this of value? I think it matters because it offers a relational field in which to revitalise and remember. This resources us to go out into the world and open our eyes and hearts to other beings and the earth on which we live. To find a place of home and nourishment in a world where the challenges and pressures are many.” Rosie


Code of Ethics and grievances
Rosie is a member of the Movement Medicine Association and abides by the code of ethics. If there are any gievances with her work she would hope they can be resolved with communication directly with her. However if for any reason that is not possible and you beleive Rosie has contravened the code of ethics please see this page on the MMA website where grievances procedeures are discussed.